Magazine "everything grows" - from tomatillos to exhibition publication

Zwei ältere Frauen und ein Mann lesen im Magazin "alles wächst". Sie sind sichtlich erfreut über das Ergebnis ihrer Arbeit.

"What grows!", Paul Klee once wondered. Nevertheless, it is remarkable when an exhibition publication grows from a community garden.

Anyone who keeps a vegetable garden will be familiar with the phenomenon: at some point during the summer months, there comes a phase when all the vegetables are ripe at the same time and you hardly know what to do with them, looking for new recipe ideas for a bit of variety. It was precisely this research and the culinary results that gave rise to the idea among our community gardeners.

We could publish our collected recipes in a booklet

We no longer know whether this publication was originally only intended for the gardening community or for a wider readership. The fact is that this idea developed very quickly in discussions between the program management and the gardening community.

It provided the impetus to combine various projects and existing paths into one vessel. For the 2023 summer exhibition Paul Klee. Everything Grows was to focus on Klee's engagement with nature. From the outset, the exhibition concept envisaged a connection between the indoor and outdoor spaces of the Zentrum Paul Klee.

Inspired by the recipe publication, the idea arose to bring together the various disciplines that deal with nature in different ways at the Zentrum Paul Klee at the level of the exhibition publication, thus creating a further narrative arc.

An editorial team consisting of employees of the Zentrum Paul Klee and local residents was responsible for selecting the topics and content. Biodiversity alongside trouvailles from our collection, an exhibition reflecting sustainability, recipes from the garden community alongside Paul Klee's recipes - a magazine that unites the diverse perspectives.

Magazine "everything grows"

  • Zwei ältere Frauen und ein Mann lesen im Magazin "alles wächst". Sie sind sichtlich erfreut über das Ergebnis ihrer Arbeit.
  • Titelseite des Magazins "alles wächst"
  • Inhaltsverzeichnis des Magazins "alles wächst"
  • Fünf Mitglieder des Redaktionsteams stellen die kollaborativ erarbeitete Ausstllungpublikation "alles wächst" vor.
  • Aufgeschlagene Seite des Magazins "alles wächst".
  • Fünf Mitglieder des Redaktionsteams mit einem Exemplar der kollaborativ erarbeitete Ausstllungpublikation "alles wächst" vor.
  • schwarz-weiss Collage mit Elementen aus Klee-Werken, Fotos aus dem Gemeinschaftsgarten und Zitaten Klees und unserer Gärtnerinnen aus dem Magazin "alles wächst"
  • Seite aus dem Magazin "alles wächst" zu Paul Klees Verständnis von Natur und ihrer Verbindung zur Kunst.
  • Bild von Klees Steinsammlung aus dem Magazin "alles wächst"
  • Seite mit Bildern aus Klees Notizen für seine Bildnerische Gestaltungslehre aus dem Magazin "alles wächst"
  • Seite mit Rezept für Gulasch und Blumenkohlsalat aus Paul Klees Taschenkalender, publiziert im Magaizin "alles wächst".

Community garden

We plant, tend, harvest and meet together in our garden. With an open, intergenerational community garden, we want to bring the Zentrum Paul Klee and the people of Bern closer together.

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FRUCHTLAND refers to the area surrounding the Zentrum Paul Klee building and its cultivation. With an arable field, a community garden and many small biotopes, the Fruchtland offers space to linger and discover.

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Paul Klee. Everything grows

The Zentrum Paul Klee keeps shells, algae and stones in its depot. Why? Paul Klee's engagement with nature formed the basis of his artistic work.

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