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Vom 20. Februar bis 1. Juni 2025 präsentiert das Zentrum Paul Klee im Rahmen seiner dynamischen Dauerausstellung Kosmos Klee. Die Sammlung einen thematischen Schwerpunkt zu den musikalischen Aspekten in Paul Klees Leben und Werk im Fokus-Raum. Anhand von Werken aus der Sammlung, Archivalien und einer Auswahl von Musikstücken wird die Verbindung von Musik und Kunst in Klees Werk sowie seine Liebe zur klassischen Musik in den Fokus gerückt.
Die dynamische Dauerausstellung Kosmos Klee. Die Sammlung lädt Besucher:innen ein, in Leben und Werk dieses wichtigen Künstlers der Moderne einzutauchen. Sie bietet mit rund 80 wechselnden Werken aus der Sammlung einen chronologischen Überblick über Klees künstlerisches Schaffen. Biografisches Material und Archivalien geben einen Einblick in sein Leben und seine Zeit. Daneben bietet der Fokus-Raum Platz für kleinere Ausstellungen zu besonderen Aspekten in Klees Werk oder Beiträgen zur globalen Rezeption des Künstlers.
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Cédric Zubler
Kommunikation & Medienarbeit
T +41 31 328 09 932024 verzeichneten das Kunstmuseum Bern und das Zentrum Paul Klee mit ihren Ausstellungen und Programmen insgesamt 262‘669 Besucher:innen. Damit konnte das Niveau des Vorjahres gehalten werden.
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Anne-Cécile Foulon
Leiterin Kommunikation & Medienarbeit
+41 31 328 09 9320 years of Zentrum Paul Klee. The first major special exhibition in the Jubilee Year is devoted to Le Corbusier: between 8 February and 22 June 2025 the Zentrum Paul Klee is showing Le Corbusier. The Order of Things. The exhibition focuses on the working process of the Swiss-French artist-architect, designer and urban planner, and places Le Corbusier’s three-dimensional thought centre-stage. It offers a comprehensive overview of his entire output from an artistic perspective, and includes both iconic items and groups of works that have so far remained largely unknown.
The following images and videos are available for media coverage with the copyright information. All copyright rights are reserved. The image captions must be fully adopted and the works must be reproduced as depicted.
Anne-Cécile Foulon
Head of Communication & Media relations
+41 31 328 09 93In 2025, the Zentrum Paul Klee turns 20 years old. The anniversary is being celebrated with an annual programme full of special highlights: at the centre of this are a large exhibition on the architect and artist Le Corbusier and a spectacular retrospective devoted to the textile artist Anni Albers. Both figures had a major impact on the art, design and architecture of the 20th century. In the summer, the Zentrum Paul Klee is showing the nonconformist, fascinating work of the British artist Rose Wylie. The permanent exhibition Kosmos Klee will focus on Paul Klee’s relationship with music, Klee as a ‘cover star’ and the German-Venezuelan artist Gertrud Goldschmidt, known as Gego.
The following images and videos are available for media coverage with the copyright information. All copyright rights are reserved. The image captions must be fully adopted and the works must be reproduced as depicted.
Martina Witschi
Communication & Media relations
+41 31 328 09 93
The dynamic permanent exhibition devoted to Paul Klee invites visitors to immerse themselves in the life and work of this important modern artist. With some 80 changing works from the collection, Kosmos Klee offers a chronological survey of Klee’s artistic career. Biographical and archival material provide an insight into his life and time. In addition, the ‘focus room’ offers a space for smaller exhibitions devoted to individual aspects of Klee’s work, or contributions to the artist’s global reception.
Between 19 October 2024 and 16 February 2025, in the context of its permanent exhibition, the Zentrum Paul Klee is focusing thematically on the journals of the avant-garde. With some 150 exhibits, attention is devoted to the journal as an artistic field of experimentation.
The following images and videos are available for media coverage with the copyright information. All copyright rights are reserved. The image captions must be fully adopted and the works must be reproduced as depicted.
Martina Witschi
Communication & Media relations
T +41 31 328 09 93From 7 September 2024 until 5 January 2025 the Zentrum Paul Klee is showing Brasil! Brasil! The Birth of Modernism. It is the first exhibition in Switzerland to provide an extensive insight into the modern art of Brazil, and into the country’s history, literature, music, design and architecture.
The following images and videos are available for media coverage with the copyright information. All copyright rights are reserved. The image captions must be fully adopted and the works must be reproduced as depicted.
Martina Witschi
Communication & Media relations
+41 31 328 09 93Das Zentrum Paul Klee zieht es diesen Sommer raus aus der Stadt und rein ins kühle Nass der Badi. Vom 20. Juli bis 2. August 2024 sind wir im neu sanierten Freibad im Sportzentrum Hirzi in Münchenbuchsee mit einem kunstvermittlerischen Experiment zu Gast. Gemeinsam mit den Badegästen möchten wir im Rahmen des Projekts Kunst in der Badi spielerisch herausfinden: Was passiert, wenn das Zentrum Paul Klee in die Badi geht?
The following images and videos are available for media coverage with the copyright information. All copyright rights are reserved. The image captions must be fully adopted and the works must be reproduced as depicted.
Cédric Zubler
Assistent Kommunikation & Marketing
T +41 31 328 09 93Hochkarätig und vielseitig: Im Rahmen der Meisterkonzertreihe sind im Herbst das Alban Berg Ensemble Wien, der litauische Akkordeonist Martynas Levickis und das Duo Marie-Elisabeth Hecker und Martin Helmchen im Zentrum Paul Klee zu Gast.
Martina Witschi
Kommunikation & Medienarbeit
T +41 31 328 09 93The Zentrum Paul Klee is showing the most comprehensive retrospective of the American artist Sarah Morris (b. 1967) to date in Switzerland. The
exhibition features over a hundred artworks – including fifty-six paintings, drawings, film posters, and immersive film installations – which foreground
the past thirty years of the artist’s groundbreaking work.Downloads
Video material
Martina Witschi
Communication & Media relations
T +41 31 328 09 93Hamed Abdalla (1917–1985) was a pioneer of modern Egyptian art. The Zentrum Paul Klee is showing a small presentation of his work in the FOKUS series. FOKUS is a space within the permanent exhibition Kosmos Klee dedicated to particular aspects of Paul Klee's work or contributions to the global reception of the artist.
Martina Witschi
Communication & Media relations
T +41 31 328 09 93The German Dadaist Hannah Höch (1889–1978) is one of the inventors of modern collage and considered a major protagonist of the art of the 1920s. From 10 November 2023 until 25 February 2024 the Zentrum Paul Klee is devoting a comprehensive exhibition to her, which focuses for the first time on Höch’s engagement with the visual culture of the modern age and with film in particular. A unique panorama of the avant-garde unfolds around Hannah Höch.
Martina Witschi
Communication & Media relations
T +41 31 328 09 93The 2024 Venice Biennale is linked to Brazil on several levels. From 7 September 2024, the Zentrum Paul Klee is devoting to the country the large-scale exhibition Brasil! Brasil! The Birth of Modernism, which is organised in collaboration with the Royal Academy of Arts in London.
The following images and videos are available for media coverage with the copyright information. All copyright rights are reserved. The image captions must be fully adopted and the works must be reproduced as depicted.
Martina Witschi
Communication & Media relations
T +41 31 328 09 93