FRUCHTLAND is the term we use to describe the area surrounding the Zentrum Paul Klee building and its cultivation. With an arable field, a community garden and many small biotopes, Fruchtland offers space to linger and discover.
We pay special attention to a high level of biodiversity and its importance for sustainable agriculture and healthy nutrition. Multiculturalism is the order of the day: in addition to wild roses, shrubs, rock piles and bee pastures, mixed crops also contribute to increasing diversity. In 2017, the now rare dark bee moved in with us.
Experience a tree guild, our community garden or our honey and the beauty of nature around the Zentrum Paul Klee; linger in our outdoor area, for example in our hammocks, which are available for free use, or on a walk around the building with a view of Bern or the Oberland Alps.
In autumn 2023, our farmer Thomas Wüthrich sowed barley on the field. It is a variety that is suitable for brewing, meaning that the Zentrum Paul Klee will brew its own beer. It will be ready for the anniversary year 2025!

Illustration: Alice Kolb
- Community garden
- Apple tree
- Deadwood biotope
- Fruit tree guild
- Show gardens
- Dry stone wall
- Dark bees
- Birch forest
- Pond
- Main field with barley
- Shrubs and wild roses
Upcoming events
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