Art & Nature

Offener Aquarellmalkasten, links daneben ein begonnenes Kunstwerk, auf dem der Schatten eines Baumes bemalt ist

Workshop on artistic themes and techniques relating to nature and the environment.

Cycle 1 - 3, 10th - 13th grade, students and apprentices

Languages: German, French, English, Italian, Spanish

What do plants dream of? How can we creatively meet a sustainable future? Participants discover nature as a source of inspiration for their own artistic creations. Like Paul Klee, they engage with nature and put themselves on a fraternal level with it. What does that mean? The participants actively exchange ideas about this, contribute their thoughts and feelings in a creative way and find an artistic expression of their ideas in joint or individual works. We engage artistically and philosophically with the broad field of nature and the environment.


Your request

Prices & workshop duration

    • CHF 280 for 2 hours
    • CHF 350 for 3 hours
    • CHF 600 for 6 hours

    The prices are for a group size of 24 participants per studio. The Creaviva has three studio rooms in which up to 72 participants can create at the same time.

    • CHF 380 for 2 hours
    • CHF 450 for 3 hours
    • CHF 800 for 6 hours

    The prices are for a group size of 24 participants per studio. The Creaviva has three studio rooms in which up to 72 participants can create at the same time.

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