Art & Media

Im Handydisplay beginnt sich das Kunstwerk, das fokussiert wird, zu bewegen

Workshop with experiments using analog and digital design tools.

Cycle 3, 10th - 13th grade, students and apprentices

Languages: German, English

In the creaTiV! workshops on art and media, young people translate their ideas into images and sound. They experiment with various digital and analog design techniques and implement ideas artistically. With different focuses, they learn about animation techniques, audio editing or video editing tricks and combine digital and analog design tools to create their own artistic works.


Your request

Prices & workshop duration

    • CHF 350 for 3 hours
    • CHF 400 for 4 hours
    • CHF 600 for 6 hours

    The prices are for a group size of 24 participants per studio. The Creaviva has three studio rooms in which up to 72 participants can create at the same time.

    • CHF 450 for 3 hours
    • CHF 550 for 4 hours
    • CHF 800 for 6 hours

    The prices are for a group size of 24 participants per studio. The Creaviva has three studio rooms in which up to 72 participants can create at the same time.

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