Lu. Play of the seasons
Interactive exhibition

  • Exhibition
  • 20.5.202325.2.2024
  • Loft
Ausschnitt: Park bei Lu.

Which forms and phenomena of nature serve as a source of inspiration for art? As soon as the dice fall on the starting field, the journey of discovery begins on the winding paths through the game of the four seasons.

Interactive response to the exhibition Paul Klee. Everything grows

In order to design the interactive exhibition in a participatory process, Lu. Game of the Seasons was developed together with Master's students of Museum Studies at the University of Neuchâtel under the direction of Prof. Régine Bonnefoît. The "museum project" is part of the unique course of study and allows students to gain practical experience in a professional environment, from conception to realization, mediation and communication.

The result is a room-filling game board on which visitors, as life-size figures, solve tasks at six stations and learn about Klee's fascinating view of nature. The scenography of the individual game stations is based on Paul Klee's painting Park bei Lu (1938). In the 1930s, Paul Klee's wife Lilly stayed in a sanatorium near Lucerne, and the park with its winding paths and regional vegetation inspired Klee to create this colorful work. Some elements and signs found in the work are used as design elements to structure the playing field; the lines and color fields seem to leave the two-dimensional surface of the painting to fill out the Creaviva and transform it into a multifaceted three-dimensional space of action.

Equipped with a collector's pass, visitors move through the space. Following diced symbols, young and young-at-heart guests make their way through the room as life-size play figures. Under the microscope, they explore unique structures and the filigree nature of natural materials in "Spring". Which forms and phenomena in nature serve as a source of inspiration for art? At the drawing table, observations are translated into small works of art. In "Summer", players dive into the underwater world together with a school of fish and in "Autumn" they face a tactile sensory test. Winter" calls for artistic reduction. Meanwhile, the meadow in front of the Creaviva gradually transforms into a colorful flower wind park.

Juliette Berthoud, Agathe Delatte, William Favre, Emma Shan and Rose Zumbrunnen accompanied by Régine Bonnefoît and in collaboration with Lorenz Fischer, Pia Lädrach and Katja Lang

Thanks to
The Creaviva would like to thank the development fund of the Berner Kantonalbank BEKB for its valuable support and Régine Bonnefoît, Head of the Institute of Art History and Museology at the University of Neuchâtel, for organizing the "project muséeal" at the Creaviva.

To the exhibition

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