La Pintura. We are color
Interactive exhibition

  • Exhibition
  • 3.2.20237.5.2023
  • Loft
Kunstwerk in Schwarz mit blauen, roten und gelben Akzenten

The world of bold colors and expressive shapes

Interactive response to the exhibition Joan Miró. New horizons

The Spanish-Catalan artist Joan Miró (1893-1983) said at the age of 82: "It is the young people who interest me [...]. If I continue to work, it will be for the year 2000 and the people of tomorrow". 50 years later, the interactive exhibition at the Creaviva Children's Museum invites all young people and the young at heart to explore painting in the footsteps of Miró.

In his late work, Joan Miró strove to reduce his art. The canvases became larger, the brushstrokes fewer, but no less precise and determined. For the duration of the interactive exhibition, the Creaviva loft will be Bern's largest painting studio, open to all visitors. Guests young and old are invited to wander through Joan Miró's worlds of color and form, using various painting tools to leave their own traces in the exhibition and shape them.

The interactive pictorial landscape is framed in the room by black lines of thick rope. Slipping into slippers and painting aprons, visitors enter the world of Joan Miró's bold colors and expressive forms and enter the painting studio. Following in his footsteps, they create on various large surfaces. Every day, a new color is waiting in pots to be applied to the painting surfaces with different tools and brushes. The window front clad with color foil immerses the spacious studio in different moods, encouraging all visitors to complement the incoming light with a shadow play of their own figures and shapes.

Throughout the duration of the exhibition, the large painting studio in the Creaviva will be photographed at rhythmic intervals from a bird's eye view. The film created from these composite images will celebrate its premiere at the finissage and will be presented to all those present. Equipped with a screwdriver and saw, all visitors to the family finissage are invited to cut out their own personal piece of the collaborative work and take it home with them.

Sinja Bertschi, Jasmin Bigler, Lorenz Fischer, Katja Lang

Thanks to
Creaviva would like to thank the development fund of the Berner Kantonalbank BEKB for its valuable support.

To the exhibition

  • Joan Miro

    Joan Miró.

    Joan Miró is known for his colourful surrealist dream worlds. Particularly after his long-awaited move into his own large studio in Palma de Mallorca in 1956, however, the Catalan artist extended his concept of painting in a hitherto unfamiliar direction. He questioned the whole of his previous œuvre, reworked early pieces or returned to works that had been left incomplete. This moment of self-criticism and a new beginning forms the starting point for the exhibition

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