Interactive exhibition

  • Exhibition
  • 13.1.202329.1.2023
  • Loft
Kunstwerke von Dominik Wirth

As diverse as the team of art educators at the Creaviva is, their artistic work is just as surprising

The team of art educators at the Creaviva is diverse and intergenerational, works inclusively and is made up of people whose pedagogical and artistic skills enable them to inspire visitors of all ages for art and arouse curiosity for independent creation. The art educators are at the heart of the day-to-day work in the studio. Their passion for art, both for their own artistic work and for teaching at Creaviva, is their unifying element. With their personal works, 12 art mediators are part of the new interactive exhibition at Creaviva.

himmelundorange leads all visitors from the expanse of sunny blue, through pure white, a warm and intense red, into lively colorfulness, earthy natural brown and on to bright orange. As diverse as the team of art mediators is, as surprising is their artistic work. The artists use different artistic methods such as painting and bronze casting, drawing and printmaking, photography, film and music through to newer media as well as assemblage and installations. The selection of works is combined with playful and exciting stations on an interactive island. As usual, various activities are available for families with children.

The combination of exhibited works and interactive stations encourages visitors to create their own creations, is sometimes thought-provoking and brings the world of art within reach. himmelundorange offers the opportunity to get to know the artistic practice of the mediators at Creaviva. In addition, short video sequences provide rare insights into their artistic work in their personal studios.

At the special event "Creaviva in Dialogue", the artists will be available to answer questions. In front of their works, the exhibition curator, Franz Brülhart, will moderate discussions between visitors and the artists and art mediators present at 11:00 and 13:00.

Participating artists:
Janine Aebi-Müller, Ralf Assmann, Sinja Bertschi, BiglerWeibel, Franz Brülhart, Lorenz Fischer, Pia Heim, Katja Lang, Fabienne Sieger, Bonita Straub, Dominik Wirth and Verena Wyss

Franz Brülhart

Thanks to
Creaviva would like to thank the development fund of the Berner Kantonalbank BEKB for its valuable support.

  • Kunstwerke von Dominik Wirth
  • Drei Kinder gestalten mit Jasmin Bigler, Kunstvermittlerin im Creaviva ein Gemeinschaftswerk aus bunten Kugeln
  • Ein rundes Kunstwerk aus Naturmaterialien
  • Zwei Kinder mit Pinguinmasken umarmen sich
  • Ein Mädchen ist von hinten zu sehen, sie steht vor einem Portrait.
  • Kunstwerk in Orange und Graublau, in der Mitte des Fotos steht Lorenz Fischer, Kunstvermittler im Creaviva

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