Creative during the conversion phase

  • Exhibition
  • 21.1.20256.2.2025
  • Loft
CreaMobile sind Kuben, die zu unterschiedlichen Themen spielerische Möglichkeiten zur Auseinandersetzung mit Kunst anregen

Interactive cubes on themes and techniques relating to Paul Klee

The CreaMobiles are available for exploration during the conversion phase for the next interactive exhibition.

The mobile, barrier-free, self-explanatory, robustly built and carefully designed stations encourage a playful exploration of art and culture around the Paul Klee-specific themes of color, line, dot, sign and nature. 

Thanks to
The CreaMobiles were realized between 2017 and 2019 thanks to the financial support of the Museumsstiftung für Kunst der Burgergemeinde Bern, the Warlomont Anger Stiftung, Stiftung Mercator, Stiftung Symphasis and the Jubiläumsstiftung der CS. 

Upcoming Interactive Exhibition

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    Opening of the interactive exhibition

    Cordial invitation to the family vernissage on Friday, 7.2.2025 at 5 pm. The event is open to everyone and is free of charge.

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  • Geometrische Formen in Braun, Grün, Orange und Blau auf einem grünen Hintergrund

    Tohuwabohu. Orderly chaos

    How do we bring structure into our world? When is chaos productive and what does creative chaos look like? Free and daily accessible experience stations for children from the age of 4, young people, adults and the whole family.

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