Sponsorship and partners
Paul Klee Centre Foundation
- Maurice E. and Martha Müller Foundation
- Chairman: Jonathan Gimmel
- Vice presidency: Alex Wassmer
- Representing the Canton of Bern: Dr Marcel Brülhart, Jonathan Gimmel, Alex Wassmer
- Representing theCity of Bern: Franziska Burkhardt
- Representing the Kunstmuseum Bern foundations: Mark Ineichen
- Representing theBernese Art Society BKG: Franz Krähenbühl
- Representing theCreaviva Children's Museum / Paul Klee Centre: Ueli Winzenried
- Representing theAebi-Müller family: Janine Aebi-Müller
- Representing theFriends of the Kunstmuseum Bern VdF: Barbara Luginbühl-Sieber
- Representing independent members Kunstmuseum Bern / Zentrum Paul Klee: Peter Keller
as part of the umbrella foundation "Kunstmuseum Bern - Zentrum Paul Klee"
Contact/Administration Office
Pascale Keller
+41 31 328 09 07
+41 31 359 01 20
Fondation du Musée des enfants auprès du Centre Paul Klee
Operator of the Creaviva
- President: Janine Aebi-Müller
- Vice-President: Ulrich Hofmann
- Board members: Corinne Mariethoz-Aebi, Ulrich Winzenried
- Co-direction of the Creaviva: Beat Glarner and Katja Lang