Private Sponsoring


As a patron, you support a cultural center and multi-disciplinary venue that is unique in Switzerland. Become part of a community that is passionate about art and culture and get involved in a wide range of projects together.

  • Führung mit Fabienne Eggelhöfer

    Friends of the Paul Klee Center

    By becoming a member of our sponsors' association, you can experience art and culture at close quarters with like-minded people.

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Donation, gift, bequest

With a donation, endowment or bequest, you can help the Zentrum Paul Klee to continue its cultural mission for future generations. We will be happy to advise you.

  • Partners and sponsors of the Zentrum Paul Klee

    We would like to thank all our supporters für their varied commitment.

    Read more


Birgit Achatz

Head of Sponsoring & Fundraising 
Kunstmuseum Bern-Zentrum Paul Klee
+41 31 328 09 10

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