Insights. A look behind the facade
Interactive exhibition

  • Exhibition
  • 22.5.20224.9.2022
  • Loft
Eine Kinderhand auf einem leuchtenden Tastrelief eines Klee Werkes

Playful discovery - discovering play

About the exhibition Shining Secret. Children curate Klee

With the interactive exhibition, the Creaviva shows the methods and working methods that enabled children to co-curate the new exhibition at the Zentrum Paul Klee Leuchtendes Geheimnis. Children curate Klee. The project team met in the studios every Wednesday afternoon for ten months and developed different approaches to Paul Klee's work, got to know the museum, visited and evaluated exhibitions, built models and experimented with linguistic and creative means.

While visitors to the exhibition Leuchtendes Geheimnis. Children curate Klee, visitors can experience the result of their joint work, while the interactive exhibition Insights. A look behind the facade serves to convey different approaches to Paul Klee's work. Visitors young and old get to know the artist's mysterious world of drawings, explore his poetic work titles, match works and titles to a selection of emotions and colors and imitate works of art in front of a mirror. Playfully throwing mosaic stones or using frottage to create their own new visual worlds. Children and adults are invited to look at Paul Klee's works in detail, which generates new knowledge and encourages them to gain new insights. Everyone is encouraged to try out the working methods of the exhibition curators in a playful way and to slip into the role themselves. 

The exhibition architecture, designed by children, leaves plenty of room for their own experiments: The empty outer walls of the construction invite you to arrange your own selection of works and arrange or curate the collection of works you have chosen. It cannot be overlooked that the children's chosen scenography is sometimes reminiscent of a playground. The path leads through a dark tunnel with various doors that lead out of the dark into the light, into the world of colors. There are places to linger and rest, others to discover, create and design. Different materials and textures are used to enhance the sensory experience. A tactile relief invites all guests to feel a specific work by Paul Klee and sharpen their sense of touch. The relief also gives people with visual impairments access to Paul Klee's work.

On 10 July 2022, guests will find out which workshop the participating children particularly enjoyed during the preparation period: equipped with play money, visitors will purchase their favorite works by Paul Klee at the art auction moderated by theater professionals during "Kunstauktion spielen".

Children involved: Reham, Lena, Mathis, Marta, Lyonel, Meta, Angelina, Valentin, Amaia, Eliza, Isaline, Caterina and Ben
Creaviva curation: Lorenz Fischer, Pia Lädrach and Katja Lang 
Tactile relief: Swiss School for the Blind, Zollikofen

Thanks to
The Creaviva Children's Museum would like to thank the development fund of the Berner Kantonalbank BEKB for its financial support.

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