Art courseLeporello

  • Courses for Adults

  • Saturday 9.11.2024

  • Start 10:00

  • Studio

Faltbücher liegend und aufgestellt, die bunt bemalt und illustriert sind

Drawn, painted, calligraphed and illustrated. A weekend for creating and playing with your own folding books.

Both book and picture. Or neither. Possibly both at the same time. Poem, diary, story. Onomatopoeic or without words. Leporellos are incredibly fascinating and almost infinite in their design possibilities. To be read from left to right or right to left, from the middle or without any sequence at all. Drawn, painted, calligraphed and illustrated. Free and wild, planned, chaotic or clearly structured. The more we get involved with the fanfold, the more varied the design possibilities become. For a very individual Leporello, we choose both paper and format, calculate the number of pages and produce the Leporello ourselves in order to fill it heartily and personally.

With Franz Brülhart

Saturday and Sunday, 9–10.11.2024 from 10:00–16:00
Costs: CHF 420 incl. materials, admission to the exhibition and coffee/ mineral water

Two weeks before the course starts, we will inform you by email whether the course has reached the minimum number of participants. If the course cannot take place, you will be refunded the course fee.


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